Choosing the best tapware will not only enhance the beauty of the bathroom but will also ensure a smooth flow of water. Additionally, choosing high-quality tapware will help you to avoid unnecessary plumbing costs. For this, you can go for Nero tapware that is engineered to provide a seamless flow of water while adding elegance to the bathroom.

Since the brand produces different types of tapware, we will take a look at some of the product features to help you choose the one that will be the best fit for your bathroom.

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  • If You Love Designs

If you wish to enhance the look of your bathroom only, you can choose the tapware with beautiful designs and unique finishes. To select the best design for the area you need to determine the type of bathroom you have. If you have a traditional one, it is best to select simple designs. But if you have a modern bathroom you can go for contemporary designs made to give a unique look. 

There are other neutral designs too which can go well with all types of bathrooms. The tapware is engineered to give a more modern feel and hence many interior designers are recommending these designs for people who wish to give their bathrooms a facelift. 

The modern tapware come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some can be rounded while the others can have defined edges or of rectangular shape. Also, there is a wide range of colours to choose from such as chrome or black for modern bathrooms. However, if you have a traditional bathroom, you can select the ones with plain white colour.  

Though each tapware design is unique, the accessories such as the toilet roll holder and the towel rail holder will be the same.

  • If You Love the Functionality

When choosing functionality, there is a wide array of Nero tapware to choose from. The product that you buy needs to fit with the fixtures in your bathroom. 

If you have a shower panel to contain your shower spreads you need to choose the appropriate tapware for it and the same goes for the vanity taps that are installed. 

To learn more about the features in detail, you have to talk to your bathroom designer to choose the appropriate tapware for you to make the bathroom functional.

  • Choosing the Perfect Size  

While choosing the tapware, make sure that you choose the correct size. It needs to reach the basin so that washing hands will not be problematic. You need to keep this in mind especially when you are choosing the tapware for wall mounted taps or those that reach above the counter bowl. Therefore, while buying the product, it is best to find a reputed Nero tapware stockist who can guide you to choose the one that will best fit your bathroom.

  • For Saving Water

To decrease the consumption of water, choose the tapware that gives you the flexibility to control the flow of water from the taps. However, before investing in it you need to consult with a plumber and inspect the accessories to determine if they are compatible with the water-saving tapware.

Enhance Your Bathroom Features with Stunning Tapware. Call Us Now

If you wish to enhance your bathroom functionalities and give the area a brand new look, get in touch with us at Direct Tile and Bath. We provide compatible Nero tapware for modern and traditional bathrooms that you will love. So, if you are planning a redesign, we are just a phone call away.
