Over the years, a lot has changed when it comes to people’s lifestyles. Things which were considered inferior are now a rage. Tiles, for instance, weren't always in demand. Decades back, people preferred wood or marble when it came to flooring. But these days, whether it's commercial or residential properties, the preferred choice for most homeowners is tile.

The Variety of Tile Has Exponentially Increased Over the Years


A few years back the choice of tiles was very limited. You had your conventional porcelain or ceramic tiles. But now, you would go in the market and feel dizzy at the wide variety of choices available.

Be honest, a few years ago, could you seriously imagine a tile that could resemble real timber? Of course not! The technology wasn't as advanced as it is now where homeowners are finding wood look tiles in Perth to be extremely appealing, and that has caused an exponential increase in its demand.

Why Do People Love Wood Looking Tiles?

First things first, why won’t they? After all, these tiles are replicating natural timber right in their home. But there aren’t coming with the maintenance baggage of hardwood. What’s more, considering most of these designs are based on porcelain, they are incredibly strong.

Sure, you might have this notion that how can tile resemble hardwood, right? These tiles are so natural that even you can’t spot any difference between them and real timber.

Here’s a few good reasons why you should definitely opt for wood looking tiles:-

They Are Extremely Affordable


Just because these tiles look like timber doesn't mean that they cost like them. On the contrary, wood-like tiles are extremely cost-effective when you look at the bigger picture. Hardwood floors are tough to maintain and involves a lot of niggling expenses over time. Such a situation will never arise in case of wood looking tiles.

Sure, the installation might cost you a bit, but that’s it. You won’t have to incur any expense on maintenance which is the case with timber.

They Are Easy to Clean


There is no doubt that timber flooring has their appeal, but when you consider the huge effort which you will have to put in to clean them, things will seem far more complicated. Also, you will have to reseal your floors nearly every year.

When it comes to wood looking tiles, you won’t have to break a sweat to clean the floors. As long as you know the right methods of cleaning, you will be able to maintain them properly all year round.

They Are Strong and Durable


Now, you might think that tiles are quite prone to chipping or cracks, and it'll be the same for this kind of tiles as well, but you are wrong. Most of the wood resembling tiles are porcelain, and as you know, porcelain is extremely strong and can withstand impacts.

So these are some very valid reasons why it would be sensible on your part to consider wood look tiles if you are renovating your house.