Your bathroom is a place where you will get peace and solitude. And, as soon as you take a relaxing bath, you will find the ultimate bliss. However, over a span of use, you will notice a small crack in the centre of your bathtub. However, if this is the problem and couldn’t have addressed by the right time, it can lead you to further problems.


What Are the Causes of Bathtub Cracks?

Mainly 4 reasons are there that cause cracks to form-

  • Lack of support

  • Flexible material

  • Damage from heavy objects

  • Damage from heavy cleaners

Some materials, like fibreglass, are known to be highly flexible. It means the material will bend if come across a heavy weight on it. Even, due to improper installation or lack of support cause cracks to form.

Cracks also tend to form when objects are dropped on the bathtub all of a sudden creating small dents and divots. Over time, it turns into larger cracks and crevices. Moreover, the highly abrasive cleaners can ruin the gloss of the tub by eroding the material while allowing more moisture into the material to cause cracks. However, our freestanding acrylic baths in Perth are made of durable material and less prone to cracking. Even if the materials are durable like acrylic, accidents can happen. So, it’s better to stay prepared!

Types of Bathtub Cracks:

Wondering how to fix the cracks in your tub? Know the types of cracks and how to fix it-

  • Stress crack: Stress crack happens, when a heavy object accidentally drops over your bathtub. Usually, these are the surface level cracks and can be repaired easily reaching someone expert, or you can buy an inexpensive repair kit to patch the cracks easily.

  • Hairline cracks: Due to consistent use of the tub, hairline cracks take place. It all starts with the small cracks and eventually destroy the integrity of your bathtub itself. Just like stress crack, there are some basic repair kits to patch the cracks and prevent further damage.

How to Maintain Bathtub?

To spare your bathtub from cracking and ensure longevity, you need to install it by experts to ensure proper support for your bath. And, our cheap free standing bath installers in Perth can help you with the proper installation as well as advice to upkeep the bathtubs further.

It is to make sure that your additional weight won’t strain your material. Moreover, it is important to stop using abrasive cleaning material or abrupt dropping of heavy material in your bathtub.

What Will You Find in Bathtub Repair Kits?

There are 2 common types of repair kits available. Surface repair kits make use of polymer-based tape or paint to seal the cracks on the outer surface of your bathtub.

Remember, your small freestanding bath is an essential part of your shower. Hence, make sure you properly maintain them to fix the cracks to blemishes as soon as you see them. The more you possess a care-free approach, bigger the problem gets down the road.

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