Most Common Bathroom Supplies in Perth for a Successful Renovation


Most Common Bathroom Supplies in Perth for a Successful Renovation

To beautify the bathroom in your home in Perth, you need to have the right supplies. Though this will be taken care of by the builders, you need to know a few things about the materials that are used for the renovation. 

There are various types of bathroom supplies in Perth that do not get damaged easily with heat and moisture. Moreover, these supplies can reduce the maintenance of your bathroom. So, before the renovation, make sure you are choosing the right materials.

Ceramic TilesThe ceramic tiles have become one of the most popular materials when it comes to bathroom flooring in Perth when. At present, the ceramic tiles are being used for wall surfacing as well. These tiles are affordable and are available…

Ceramic Tiles

The ceramic tiles have become one of the most popular materials when it comes to bathroom flooring in Perth when. At present, the ceramic tiles are being used for wall surfacing as well. 

These tiles are affordable and are available easily so if you want a budget-oriented renovation, the inclusion of the tiles is a must.

Clay Tiling

Clay tiling can be considered as the next most popular material when it comes to bathroom renovations. These clay tiles are also referred to as terracotta tiles which give the bathroom a unique look and make them look attractive. However, the terracotta or clay tiles require more maintenance compared to the ceramic tiles.

Composite materials

Today, many bathrooms in Perth are being renovated with composite materials that are called stoneware. These supplies are made with clay and silica or quartz. An advantage of these materials is that they are resistant to water and other abrasives. 

These materials make the bathroom look beautiful but you need to make sure that the builders avoid smooth finishing for preventing slips while bathing. 

Earthen Designs

This is a contemporary design where the tiles are covered with enamel. These tiles are best for shower walls but are not that much impressive when it comes to flooring. Moreover, these tiles are fragile and require higher maintenance. To create a unique look you can mix large and small tiles with small mosaic patterns on the walls and the floor that makes the bathroom look alluring.

Stone Design Materials

For providing a new look to your home with stone design material, you need to have a sealant as your bathroom supply. The sealant will protect the material from moisture and avoid staining. 

Stone materials are in general quite durable but can stain quite easily and for this reason applying sealant is required. Some of these materials include slate granite, marble, etc. You can also choose pebbles design as it is being used nowadays in many bathroom renovations in Perth.

For Concrete Designs

To give your bathroom an industrial look you need to include concrete designs. This is a low maintenance design and for this, concrete will be used at large. So, if you have chosen this design, you will need to include it in your list of bathroom supplies. 

Wooden Designs

For the wooden designs, you can either use real wood which is costly and hard to maintain, or materials that mimic the wooden designs. The latter is always recommended in a renovation. Also, these materials are easily available, and searching with the term bathroom supplies near me will give you a list of distributors who sell this material.

Want Your Bathroom to be renovated by Professionals? Give Us a Call

At Direct Tile and Bath, we provide the best quality bathroom supplies in Perth to renovate your bathrooms and the renovations are carried out by the best builders in the market. So, to book a renovation or to solve your queries call us today.


Types of Nero Tapware You Can Choose To Decorate Your Bathroom


Types of Nero Tapware You Can Choose To Decorate Your Bathroom

Choosing the best tapware will not only enhance the beauty of the bathroom but will also ensure a smooth flow of water. Additionally, choosing high-quality tapware will help you to avoid unnecessary plumbing costs. For this, you can go for Nero tapware that is engineered to provide a seamless flow of water while adding elegance to the bathroom.

Since the brand produces different types of tapware, we will take a look at some of the product features to help you choose the one that will be the best fit for your bathroom.

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  • If You Love Designs

If you wish to enhance the look of your bathroom only, you can choose the tapware with beautiful designs and unique finishes. To select the best design for the area you need to determine the type of bathroom you have. If you have a traditional one, it is best to select simple designs. But if you have a modern bathroom you can go for contemporary designs made to give a unique look. 

There are other neutral designs too which can go well with all types of bathrooms. The tapware is engineered to give a more modern feel and hence many interior designers are recommending these designs for people who wish to give their bathrooms a facelift. 

The modern tapware come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some can be rounded while the others can have defined edges or of rectangular shape. Also, there is a wide range of colours to choose from such as chrome or black for modern bathrooms. However, if you have a traditional bathroom, you can select the ones with plain white colour.  

Though each tapware design is unique, the accessories such as the toilet roll holder and the towel rail holder will be the same.

  • If You Love the Functionality

When choosing functionality, there is a wide array of Nero tapware to choose from. The product that you buy needs to fit with the fixtures in your bathroom. 

If you have a shower panel to contain your shower spreads you need to choose the appropriate tapware for it and the same goes for the vanity taps that are installed. 

To learn more about the features in detail, you have to talk to your bathroom designer to choose the appropriate tapware for you to make the bathroom functional.

  • Choosing the Perfect Size  

While choosing the tapware, make sure that you choose the correct size. It needs to reach the basin so that washing hands will not be problematic. You need to keep this in mind especially when you are choosing the tapware for wall mounted taps or those that reach above the counter bowl. Therefore, while buying the product, it is best to find a reputed Nero tapware stockist who can guide you to choose the one that will best fit your bathroom.

  • For Saving Water

To decrease the consumption of water, choose the tapware that gives you the flexibility to control the flow of water from the taps. However, before investing in it you need to consult with a plumber and inspect the accessories to determine if they are compatible with the water-saving tapware.

Enhance Your Bathroom Features with Stunning Tapware. Call Us Now

If you wish to enhance your bathroom functionalities and give the area a brand new look, get in touch with us at Direct Tile and Bath. We provide compatible Nero tapware for modern and traditional bathrooms that you will love. So, if you are planning a redesign, we are just a phone call away.


How Premium Nero Taps in Perth Will Transform Your Bathroom?


How Premium Nero Taps in Perth Will Transform Your Bathroom?

When it comes to adding elegance to the bathroom, installing designed tapware comes first on the list. There are numerous tap wares in the market with unique and varying designs that can transform the bathroom. Here we will check out some of the new trends and how they will redefine your bathroom.

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Varying Colours

Interior designers and decorators love to play with colours that help them to achieve the desired facelift. To support the cause, Nero tapsare now available in the market with different colours and textures. Apart from the classic warm colours such as gold or brass or copper, flat colours such as neutral grey or brushed silver can add grandeur to your bathroom as well. At present, the urge to create unique bathrooms has led to the high demand for the distinct colours.

Wall Mount Tap-ware

Wall-mounted taps are the new style at present when it comes to bathroom renovation. You can find a wide array of tapsin the market with varying shapes, sizes, and colours to add elegance to your bathroom.

Textured Tap-ware

A beautifully textured tap-ware with a natural finish can add a great vibe to your bathroom. In the modern bathroom or kitchen renovations, textured accessories look enticing and help interior designers to renovate creatively. 

The texturedtap-wares enhance the aesthetic beauty when paired with contrasting colours as this creates a perfect blend of colours for an all-new look. 


Ease of use is the next important factor after the design. Nero tapware is designed to perform in a convenient way to satisfy the users and provide a luxurious experience.

The tap-ware must be 

  • Ergonomic

Most of the taps are designed to be ergonomic where you can use the tap with one hand. Additionally, the tap-waresare designed to fit all types of bathroom. Be it a monobloc fixture or mixer tap, you will be able to give any type of look you want. 

  • Perfect Size

Size matters when it comes to tap-ware for achieving the functionality in your bathroom.However, you can easily select from the modern taps that match the length, height, and width of your sink.

For smaller bathrooms, the wall-mounted ones are a great solution.But for reference, you can note down the measurements of your current tapthat will help you to choose your next one.

Questions You Should Ask before Choosing Tap-ware

Though the modern tap-wares are stunning by design and optimized for the best performance, these are some of the questions you should ask yourself before going for the renovations.

  1. What is the warranty for the tap-ware?

  2. Will it really suit your style?

  3. How the new tap-ware is better compared to the old one?

  4. Will it work with your water pressure?

  5. Is it safe for use when it comes to the elderly or the kids?

Contemporary tap-ware will add to your interior but you have to choose the set that fits perfectly. So, if you are not sure about the style, talk to a professional who can help you out.

Add Style to Your Bathroom with Elegant Tap-Ware Tailored to Meet Your Needs

We at Direct Tile and Bath produce exquisite Nero Taps in Perth for bathrooms as well as kitchens. Experience the craftsmanship that transforms interiors. To go premium,call us today or chat with us to get the answer to your queries.


An Insider’s Guide on Choosing the Right Bathroom Vanity for Your Ensuite


An Insider’s Guide on Choosing the Right Bathroom Vanity for Your Ensuite

Picking a suitable bathroom vanity for your ensuite can offer a plethora of benefits. The right bathroom vanities not just revamp your space during a remodel but maximises your existing storage requirements and make your bathroom much more functional. While the market is flooded with plenty of vanities of varied shapes, sizes and style, picking the right one often becomes difficult and time-consuming. In this blog, we have outlined some practical and useful tips that would help you bank upon the best deal that can complement your space, style and decor.


The Size and Layout Matters

When it comes to choosing bathroom vanity in Perth, the first and foremost thing to consider is the size that would fit your existing space requirements. For instance, if you are replacing your smaller vanity with a larger one to accommodate your growing needs or planning to install a vanity for your newly renovated powder room, you can go for regular-sized vanity cabinets. Choose vanities having a standard depth between 20-21 inches and skip the idea of installing the ones having narrow depths.

Measurement is Key

Once you have determined the size of your vanity, the next thing you should take into account is its usability. It should have sufficient space around any opening or closing door, drawers, shower screens so that accessibility of the space doesn’t get compromised. For the best measurement, you can get hold of a painter’s tape and calculate the dimensions to ensure your hard-earned investment doesn’t go in vain.

Determine the Number of Sinks You Need

When choosing bathroom vanities, you need to also check the number of sinks you need in order to suit your customised needs. For large family size, 2-3 sinks can ease the morning traffic and also minimise usage of the countertop space. If you aren’t sure about the exact number of sinks you need, you can consult with the reliable companies offering cheap bathroom supplies in Perth who can inspect your space and guide you accordingly.

Focus on Storage and Ease of Maintenance

Vanities are usually of three types-freestanding, corner-mounted and wall-mounted. Freestanding vanities are usually the standard ones that offer additional storage compared to the wall-mounted ones with long cabinet legs and can rest directly on floors. Although freestanding vanities are well known for their additional storage, however, they aren’t easy to clean as they feature more nooks and corners which attract dirt quickly and calls for routine clean up and maintenance.

Check Your Plumbing Requirements

Before you shop for bathroom vanity in Perth, you need to hire a handyman to check the existing plumbing requirements. It is critical to inspect for damages and opt for immediate plumbing repairs to ensure the durability of your expensive bathroom vanities doesn’t get compromised. Typically, freestanding vanities can seamlessly blend with existing plumbing requirements and require minimal modifications. On the other hand, wall-mounted vanities are less flexible and you may likely have to opt for expensive alterations in your plumbing before their installation. 

Get a Quote Today!

At Direct Tile and Bath, we offer an exquisite range of premium and durable bathroom supplies in Perth that can complement any space, size and decor. If you are planning to install functional and elegant bathroom vanities in your next bathroom remodel, get in touch with us and ask for the lowest quote!


Top Reasons behind the Popularity of the Wall-Mounted Bathroom Vanities


Top Reasons behind the Popularity of the Wall-Mounted Bathroom Vanities

Top Reasons behind the Popularity of the Wall-Mounted Bathroom Vanities.png

Wall-mounted vanities for bathrooms are the new sensation these days. In fact, of late, most of the clients who are placing orders of bathroom vanities in Perth are opting for the wall-mounted varieties. That too – not without reasons, though! 

These new-age vanities are also termed as floating vanities and are most adored due to a number of factors. They are trendy and come up with a sleep appearance, which augments the look and feel of the bathroom by quite a few notches. We at Direct Tile and Bath come up with a wide range of bathroom supplies that include these trendy vanities as well. Though generally, these vanities are mostly found in various commercial and industrial settings like restaurants and hotels, a number of people of late want them at their homes as well. 

Here on this page, we discuss the main reasons that will tell you, why people are craving so much for these vanities for their bathrooms in Perth and elsewhere. 

They Lend Extra Space

These wall mounted vanities are sleekly designed and come up with a get-up would provide some extra space for storing and organising all your toiletries and linen, and other bathroom necessities in a rather seamless way. It will not only help you to add an extra space to your bathroom, making it look large, it also will fill up the blackness of the walls where you set them up. Their presence will add an element of character to walls, which will make a substantial difference to the overall look and feel of the bathroom. 

They Help in Customisation of Your Bathroom

When it comes to customisation of bathrooms, these vanities go a long way to meet your purpose. Thanks to their unique style and getup, these wall mounted vanities will make you more selective in regard to height and placement. This will help you to use them in precisely the way you want them to, for customising your bathroom walls, as per your aesthetic preferences and needs. 

They Are Stubborn, Yet Light

These wall mounted vanities would come up in a wide range of designs and get up. However, the more important factor is that these products are extremely stubborn as well as lightweight. This ensures that they last long. Also, they are much lighter than their standing counterparts, quite obviously and this means, you can move it around pretty easily and pretty quickly. 

They Return a Long-lasting Value

These wall-mounted vanities are not only sleek and eye-catching, but they are also strong to last long enough to return you a true value for your investment. As they are highly popular, they come in styles and get up that remain in the 'trendy' vanities for long. This ensures they do not turn out of the date that easily, thus giving you a long-lasting value for your investment. 

They Can Be Cleaned Pretty Easily

They are pretty easy to be cleaned as well. Of course, hiring professionals will definitely yield better cleaning results, but if you decide to clean them yourself, it will not be a tall task. As they do not have obstinate nooks and crannies and no real place for the dust bunnies to accumulate and grow, cleaning them is a cakewalk. 

Thus you see, they are the handiest of the bathroom supplies available in Perth that you can place an order for at Direct Tile and Bath. For that and further details, call us at 0431410460.


Key Factors To Take Into Consideration While Choosing Free Standing Baths


Key Factors To Take Into Consideration While Choosing Free Standing Baths

Freestanding baths are the new in-thing – to start with!! Indeed, when you set up a freestanding at your bathroom, it unmistakably adds personality, elegance, and an unparalleled grandeur to your bathroom. That is the reason, the companies that come up with these new-age freestanding baths, always enjoy a special status in the psyche of the customers. This same can be said about Direct Tile and Bath. Indeed, we are home to some of the most fascinating freestanding baths – something that has made us a name to reckon for the customers.


However, things are not that easy. When it comes to purchasing freestanding bathtubs from wholesale houses in Perth you need to take into consideration a number of factors, more so if you have a smallish bathroom.

Weighing it.....

Freestanding baths in most of the cases are extremely heavy – more so, if they are made up of stone. That is the reason, you must consider the weight very seriously before you opt for it. Remember, the floor of your bathroom will not have to deal with the weight of the bath alone, but the water as well, when you fill the bath up. Therefore, it can pose a serious problem for the flooring more so if you stay in a multi-storeyed apartment.

Planning the strategic position....

This is another extremely important step that needs to be taken en route to installing a freestanding bath at your bathroom. You can surely go for the most prestigious freestanding bath available in Perth, but if you do not plan the position, the investment will go down the drain. Plan to set it up at a blank corner to give the corner and element of character, as the bath will produce a sense of fillup that will make all the difference. 

You may also place it by the window if you want to make it the focal point. Indeed, placing the bathtub close to the window or underneath it, will indeed add a bathing experience that you will relish.

The storage issue....

This is one factor that is often ignored will procuring freestanding baths. It is really extremely important to ensure enough space that will allow you to keep the toiletries kept handy by the bath.  While having things handy will add to the experience of bathing, space will couple up with the bathtub, creating an ambience that will justify the freestanding bath that you have procured.

Choosing the style....

Here you have got a free hand, but then you must keep into consideration the size and the dimension of the bathroom. You can either opt for a traditional one or a contemporary styled cheap freestanding bath available in Perth that will suit your bathroom and your aesthetic preference. You can go for black or white, or one with a black exterior and a white interior that will create a tinge of contrast. You can also opt for the models that seamlessly fuse the contemporary and the traditional style.

Once you put money on us at Direct Tile and Bath, our consultants will help you out in choosing the best suitable freestanding bath, taking into account the size and dimension of your bathroom, and your preferences.  For further details, call us at 0431410460. 


“Having Troubles Choosing Your Bathroom Vanity?” HERE’S OUR TAKE


“Having Troubles Choosing Your Bathroom Vanity?” HERE’S OUR TAKE

The process of procuring a quality and space-suited vanity is not an easy task. It requires more thought and appropriate consideration. As a homeowner; you need to focus on each aspect right from the utility to the appearance of the vanity.


Direct Tile and Bath; your reliable supplier and contractors for bathroom vanities and other supplies across Perth, will inform you of those key aspects 

  • Who Will Use It & How?

Take For Example- If you aim to renovate your bathroom for yourself and your partner and both will need the sink at the same time in the morning, then you can choose for a vanity with a double sink.  If it was just you, then you can go for something smaller.

With that, how you will use it also matters. If you do a lot of makeup and hairstyling, then you will need a counter-space with decent storage for supplies.

#: “We have an impressive supply of vanities which works for all types of homes in Perth. Feel free to browse anytime.”

  • Where’s The Plumbing Situated?

It will be a crucial aspect that will dictate where your vanity will be installed. And it will also have a crucial say when you choose a specific style of vanity.

Example: - If you opt for a floor-mounted one, it will make use of a typical plumbing layout.  Contrarily, for a wall-mounted one, you will need to move the plumbing hook-ups for the sink (which to be honest can cost you a decent sum of money).

So we suggest you figure out where the plumbing is. That will help you narrow down your vanity options.

  • Check for Obstacles That May Determine Its Size & Placement

You need to figure out those possible obstacles which limit space accessibility, particularly in ‘where you plan to place your bathroom vanity.’

 Some of them include as follows:-

  • The Shower: - Did you opt for a shower with door, in place of curtains? If so, then it could hinder your vanity placement.

  • The door Swing: - Does your bathroom door open inwards and reach where the plumbing situates (or the vanity is to be fitted)? If so, then you need to think about that too.

  • The Traffic: - Do you want your vanity to be right beside or away from the toilet? 

Each of these aspects is crucial, particularly if it turns out to be an obstacle. You should aim for easy navigation in the bathroom space. Or else you could get frustrated due to this constant bumping and obstructions.

What we suggest is use a measuring tape to narrow down the vanity size and also get a reading on the right room measurement. With that; you can also consult our experts who have plenty of knowledge about bathroom remodelling and appropriate supplies to add in them, for a free-flowing space.

  • Figure out How Much Space You Are After

As per your existing space and whatever you want to store, you may need to sacrifice certain things.

Example- Your bathroom space may not permit you to add 3 columns of drawers for the sink plumbing. So you may have to mix and match and even remove some items.

It is no secret that drawers and cabinet doors consume plenty of space- extending out the front or swinging out sideways. So you need to come up with a blueprint of the layout and the placement. 

#: “Fortunately; we are thoroughly experienced in creating wonderful design spaces for all types of bathrooms across Perth. And, we will be more than happy to come up with a suitable plan for you too.” 

  • Figure Out the Sink Style

As much time you devote to determining the taps and faucets; you should not ignore the sink. Properly consider the style and appearance of the bowl and how it will impact the vanity’s utility. 

Also look for how much counter space you are after and how much should be left for the sink- as it will take up some counter space, regardless of what style you choose.

Look to compare standard sink vessels with under-mount ones and all-in-one-styles- to be clear on your customary vanity set-up. If your space is limited, it would not be such a bad idea to think about a small-sized sink to make the most of the existing space.

  • Lastly, Sort Materials Which Resist Wear-Tear & Still Appears Great

The vanity will come in contact with numerous substances like water-stains, cleaning products and even dirt. This means you will also have to clean it regularly. So keeping this in mind; we suggest you opt for materials which are resistant to scratches and wear-tear.

You can look into laminate, wood veneers, thermo foils. Also, pick a durable vanity top to prevent grouting! 

If you need helping in sorting out quality vanity tops and other bathroom supplies; we will be happy to share our opinions and suggestions. 

Always keep in mind that when it comes to your bathroom remodelling, it is about what suits your need and bathroom space.

Also, we believe that- There Are No Such Things as Bad Ideas- Just Poorly Executed-Awesome Ones! 

So, if you need help in selecting vanities or fresh ideas on bathroom remodelling, we are the experts to trust in Perth.



3 Things That People Don’t Consider When Renovating Their Bathroom


3 Things That People Don’t Consider When Renovating Their Bathroom

Bathroom renovation is one of the little known pleasures of life since it allows you to create a safe space for you and your family. However, one of the central problems people face while revamping their bathroom space is that they get stuck thinking about all the grand things and leave all the minute aspects of the process. Homeowners keep thinking about the trendy tiles they should buy and comfortable bathtubs and other vanities they should invest in. But they often forget about the less spectacular features of the bathroom space and end up clogging the space with trendy and novel ideas. 

Let us take a look at the things people fail to consider while renovating their bathroom. There are some aspects that you need to address during the planning process to give your bathroom a suave, sophisticated look.Optimum StorageStorage is an issu…

Let us take a look at the things people fail to consider while renovating their bathroom. There are some aspects that you need to address during the planning process to give your bathroom a suave, sophisticated look.

Optimum Storage

Storage is an issue because the bathroom space in most households is economic at best. Therefore, you need to give it a thought before installing the elegant pedestal vanity, since its function is mostly decorative and it provides no storage whatsoever. In a bathroom, you need to store all your bath products such as shampoos and soaps to beauty and makeup products as well as towels and cleaning agents. Therefore, according to specialists who renovate bathrooms in Perth area, it would be better if you considered vanity units that are styled as cabinets, complete with a mirror unit and a shelf to keep all your necessary amenities. You can also opt for bookcase style shelves that can be fitted into the studs, and make use of the additional hidden space for a more efficient bathroom.

Slip-proof Flooring

If you have children, older adults and pets in your family, slippery and mossy tiles can prove to be dangerous. You can slip on it and injure your leg severely. Therefore, the best practice is you investing in a set of non-slip tiles for your bathroom space. You may be tempted to procure a collection of beautiful and shiny tiles instead, but you should refrain from doing so. While polished tiles give away a perfect look that your bathroom needs, looks can often be deceptive. According to agencies who provide bathroom renovations in Perth, non-slip tiles give your bathroom space the safety that it needs. There are a plethora of trendy slip-proof tiles available in today’s market, and you won’t have to be stuck with old-fashioned tiles, even if choosing old-fashioned tiles can be a perfect way to give your bathroom a fresh and regal look. Tiles with at least an R-11 slip risk rating come into the category of slip-proof tiles, and you should consult with your vendor about the kind of flooring you need.

Leave Room for Cleaning

If you have a small bathroom space, you mustn’t cram it up with all sorts of things. You may think that packing your bathroom with new and trendy shower screens, vanity cabinets and bathtubs will give your bathroom the luxurious appearance that it deserves, but it is often not the case. You need to fit in a mop, duster or a vacuum head with which you can clean your bathroom. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing dead insects and lines of dirt gather in a corner which you can’t clean because your hand will not reach there.

There are many companies out there who provide bathroom supplies in Perth, but you should only go to the most trusted supplier who will have trendy and updated products to renovate your bathrooms with. At Direct Tiles and Bath, we understand the value of your bathroom space, and it is the place where you are the most vulnerable. That’s why you should make your bathroom space the most comfortable as well. The bathroom renovation specialists employed by us can provide excellent bathroom renovations to hundreds of satisfied households. Give us a chance, and we promise to give you the bathroom that welcomes you with both hands.


Top 2020 Trends of Bathroom Vanities – a Comparative Study


Top 2020 Trends of Bathroom Vanities – a Comparative Study

Trends are ever eternal. They change with time, they go and come back with new forms and names, and adds more colour and zeal to various aspects of life. The same can be told about the bathroom vanities. They change with time as well. Each year sees new trends being incorporated in the world of bathroom vanities. This year is not an exception as well. The companies that deal with bathroom vanities in Perth are responding to the change in style to come up with newer concepts as well.

Let us see a few ‘happening’ trends of bathroom vanities that are already hitting headlines in 2020.

The Minimalistic styleSimplicity is always been a ‘happening trend when it comes to vanity designs for bathrooms. Sleek, subtle and clean silhouettes are always the first choice for people as it adds a class and a subtle tinge, with a flair to the b…

The Minimalistic style

Simplicity is always been a ‘happening trend when it comes to vanity designs for bathrooms. Sleek, subtle and clean silhouettes are always the first choice for people as it adds a class and a subtle tinge, with a flair to the bathroom that is similar to a spa. This concept adds a feel of freshness to the bathroom. Indeed, a minimalistic vanity concept, with minimalistic hardware and clean lines, uncluttered countertop and leaves a simple but pure impression on the psyche.

Marble Vanity

Marbles are not only luxurious, but they are durable as well. In fact, they have always been a trend in the world of bathroom vanities and a first choice priority for professionals engaged in bathroom renovations in Perth like in any other part of the world. Indeed, adding marble countertops is perfect when it comes to adding elegance as well as style in the bathroom. Marble is also time-tested, and look appropriate for the traditional as well as temporary bathrooms alike.

Wood Bathroom Vanities

While the sleek and minimalistic vanities add that spa-like tinge to the bathroom, the natural elements are going to be the en vogue for the bathrooms in 2020. Indeed, this is going to be a major trend in bathroom vanities this year. Unfinished and reclaimed woods always lend an organic charm and a natural serenity to the bathroom. They have a sharp visual appeal when coupled with glossy as well as matte countertops, contemporary mirrors or metallic hardware.

Open Shelve vanities

Another trend that is making rounds in 2020 is the use of open shelves in bathrooms. Yes, it may be still a taboo to keep the bathroom supplies and sanitary revealed in plain view, it is fantastic when it comes to creating elegance throughout.

The open shelving can be used as storing towels and lotions, shower products and extra toilet paper rolls. Adding an extra style touch or two is pretty simple, as you can use the shelves for displaying decorative accents like flower vases, baskets, and the likes.

Floating Vanities

This is one of the most talked-about vanities for bathrooms in Perth in 2020, like the rest of the world. Floating vanities are just the style you would need to make a chic and contemporary style statement in your bathroom. Maintain an ultra-sleek look using a minimalistic floating bathroom vanity, and incorporate a visual interest, with some textures finish or a grainy look and feel.

Some other styles that are of high demand are the vanities that are rich in industrial elements and the mirrors vanities. That is the reason when it comes to renovating your bathroom, you need to put your stakes on reputed companies that come up with the best bathroom supplies in Perth and are well aware of the latest vanities. What better name can you opt for, than Direct Tile and Bath? For further detail, call us on 0402 006 644.


Tiles that can Make your Bathroom the Star Attraction of your Home


Tiles that can Make your Bathroom the Star Attraction of your Home

Since our bathroom remains wet or moist for a sizeable portion of the day due to continuous usage, it turns out to be a perfect breeding ground for various bacteria and fungus.  Thus, you need to take care of it and make amends to thwart their growth. Using bathroom tiles is one good way to do that. While in the one hand it diminishes the growth of mould and mildew, bacteria and fungus in the bathroom, on the other hand, it will take the look and feel of your bathroom by quite a few notches.


With so many types of bathroom tiles available in the market, you may get confused when it comes to picking the right set of tiles for your bathroom. Here is where Direct Tile and Bath makes a difference. We will help you out to shop for the tiles that will suit your bathroom the best.

We have a number of varieties of bathroom tiles for you to choose from. Keep reading:

Ceramic or porcelain tiles: If you’re looking for an affordable yet classy tile, this variety is sure to serve your purpose. It is cost-effective and adds a great touch to your bathroom. Besides being inexpensive, it is waterproof as well! Therefore, you do not need to do continuous mopping all the time.

Vinyl tiles: These tiles come in various intricate designs and textures. They come in patterns that can add a great look which can be a huge ‘wow’ factor for your bathroom. Vinyl tiles are easy to clean and wipe. These are low-cost and are low-maintenance tiles, and these factors ease your task of a thorough cleaning.

Cork tiles: If you’re looking for a gold and brown themed décor then this if your pick. This variety comes in various patterns, which may even include a hexagonal maze similar to the honey beehive. Cork tiles are best suited for bathrooms that are on the smaller side. They add an illusion of space that works fine in smaller bathrooms. These are highly durable tiles and last for years. Indeed, it is a great choice for damp bathrooms!

Glass tiles: These cheap bathroom tiles available in Perth come in various matte and glossy shades. Glass tiles are impermeable to water and do not retain stains. They are best suited as shower tiles. These become the main show stoppers of your bathroom. These are extremely popular these days!

Wood floor tiles: This is a more traditional than contemporary choice best suited for homes with an oriental touch and feel. Wood tiles add a minimalist touch to your bathroom. Their appeal underlines a sheer elegance, which makes all the difference. They are a great eco-friendly and cheap option.

So once you decide upon the type of tile that suits your requirements, you need to look up for the store which will help to get them. What better store can you look for than at Direct Tile and Bath?  Just browse our online tile store to get a glimpse of all the varieties of tiles we have in the offing for you. For further details, call us at 0431410460 and 0402 006 644.


Why Are Tiles The best for Adding Life to Bathrooms?


Why Are Tiles The best for Adding Life to Bathrooms?

Bathroom  Tiles Perth.png

As the saying goes, “A bathroom is one of the most important thinking places of the house!” Hence, to abide by this, we need to at the top of our toes when it comes to taking care of the bathroom. It’s a comfort zone for the entire family. Therefore, it needs to be special in every aspect and form.

When it comes to renovating a bathroom, the sky is the limit. There are many ways that you can adopt to add that much-desired out of this world tinge to your bathroom. One of them is adding life to the walls by installing attractive tiles. It is one of the most happening bathroom beautification elements these days!

And when you hire companies like Direct Tile and Bath into confidence, it adds a different value altogether to your bathroom. We come up with a wide plethora of tiles that are specifically meant for the bathroom and its dainty look and feel.

Why Tiles For Bathrooms, After All?

Tiles indeed, go a long way to draw a line of difference between obsolete traditions and modern ideas.

Tiles are essential vanity elements that beautify your bathroom space like nothing else. Choice of tiles would highly reflect on your personality. They work fine with every nook and cranny of your home in one way or the other, and your bathroom is no exception. However, you need to be sure that the quality of the tiles you choose is of optimum level and your toilet is not damp! Indeed, when you use suitable tiles, they highlight your bathroom walls like nothing else!

You can choose from the various theme as per your aesthetic preference. The style and theme of the tiles you choose will determine the extent and the nature of effect they will have on your psyche. Moreover, they help you to escape from your world of worries and will pave the way towards refinement.

Choosing The Tiles Wisely

Amazing designs of bathroom tiles in Perth, WA, come with a plethora of colours and patterns. The colour scheme is indeed essential when it comes to deciding the choice of tiles. A simple vanity designed chastely would add so much meaning and glamour to your bathroom! And when backed by suitable tiles of customizable sizes, they become an indispensable part of the bathroom vanities that underline your style statement.

Use of classic and elegant tiles would become a wow factor for visitors. They help your bathroom to look highly organized, and if it’s small, certain designs create a sense of space by imbibing an optical illusion.

Opting For The Right Tiles

An enthralling part of designing a bathroom is the choice of tiles. Bathroom tiles come in various ranges. From glossy to matte they add a hint of an eclectic feel to your bathroom. You can also mix and match the bathroom and shower tiles to create an interesting look.

When it comes to choosing floor tiles for bathroom, one should carefully ensure its choice depending on whether your bathroom is damp or not. You can get floor tiles in Perth in WA of excellent materials at competitive prices. Among floor tiles, vitrified tiles also work wonders! These are long-lasting as well as durable.

It is merrier to spend time in a bathroom which is nicely decorated than the plain ones. This place will highly reflect your style with the choice of your bathroom adornments. So you see, when you hire Direct Tile and Bath, you do not have to think about tiling your bathroom.

For further details, call us on 0402 006 644. We will help you out in the way you want.


How Can Hexagon Bathroom Floor Tiles Enhance the Beauty of Your Space?


How Can Hexagon Bathroom Floor Tiles Enhance the Beauty of Your Space?

When it comes to modern bathroom upgrade, the first thing that strikes in mind is tiling your bathroom floors. Since time immemorial, tiles are known to enhance the visual aesthetics of any space and especially for wet areas, perhaps there is no better option other than tiling.

If you have a distinctive taste and willing to break the custom trend of installing porcelain or ceramic tiles in your bathroom, you can go for hexagon tiles this time to upgrade your space.Hexagon tiles can offer a style statement to your modern ba…

If you have a distinctive taste and willing to break the custom trend of installing porcelain or ceramic tiles in your bathroom, you can go for hexagon tiles this time to upgrade your space.

Hexagon tiles can offer a style statement to your modern bathroom decor and remind you of the ancient Roman baths, probably you have found in the most famous places throughout history. It will give you the vibe of Italian tiles in perfect hexagonal shape and take your imagination to the European culture. To raise the appeal of your bathroom, you can surely give it a try to justify every dollar of your investment.

Choosing the right type of hexagon tiles for your bathroom floors largely depends upon where you are going to install them and who will be using the bathroom. Before you take the plunge of putting your hard-earned investment, figure out the amount of traffic your wet room undergo on a daily basis. Once you comprehend the factors, you can decide what type of tile you need for your space.

If you look at the beauty of hexagon tiles, you will understand why it's so demanding among homeowners. Each tile gives a rough impression of an unending sheet, a fabulous continuation of magnificance and you will fail to determine the synchronisation of each tile.

Another striking feature of hexagon tiles is that it comes with a multitude of shades that define its glory and decorations with clarity. Besides bathrooms, they are also preferred for embellishing garden porches and the beauty of this impeccable material has already won hearts of millions of people over the past few years.

While searching for cheap bathroom tiles in Perth, don’t try over experimenting hexagon tiles as it may increase chances of slipping or fetch the risk of potential injuries.

If you have made up your mind to choose hexagon tiles for your bathroom floors, try incorporating the correct shades and material while selecting from online tile store to ensure it complements your urban bathroom decor and excite you to appreciate the beauty of your space for the years to come. The most exciting part is it can be installed both at ensuite and small bathrooms. YES! you read it right. Homeowners who feel unfortunate to have a cramped bathroom space can try installing hexagon tiles as it doesn't make your space look clumsy, instead maximises your space.

So how did you feel after exploring the stunning features of hexagon tiles? Must be excited right? This new year, give a stunning makeover to your wetroom with hexagon tiles and leave your guests in awe!

Professional Bathroom Tiling at a Low Budget

Give an incredible makeover to your bathroom this time! At Direct Tile and Bath, we provide you with an exquisite range of cheap bathroom tiles in Perth using 100% quality products to ensure you get nothing but the best. Our team comprise of skilled, professional and vetted contractors who can transform your space into a haven and make your investment worth every penny.


Top Tips to Renovate Your Bathroom From Dreary to Light and Bright


Top Tips to Renovate Your Bathroom From Dreary to Light and Bright


Are you planning to renovate your bathroom? Do you want to give a bright look to your bathroom? Well, bathroom renovations can sometimes be a challenging task. You need to implement out-of-the-box ideas to give an interesting look to your bathroom. And for giving your bathroom a bright look, you need to install some brighter decors, lights, and many other bright things.

Hence, if you have planned to transform the look of your bathroom from dreary to light and bright, then you should follow the tips given below:

  1. Keep The Renovation Area Clean

When opting for bathroom renovations in Perth, you must keep everything sorted. You should keep away the raw materials from the portion of your bathroom you are going to renovate so that it does not cause any damage to that particular area.

2. Avoid Buying The Things You Liked At First Look

When buying materials and decors for bathroom renovations, you need to look for various options. It might happen that you have liked something in the first instance, but, there might be other things that can be better than the one you liked. Hence, do not buy anything in the first chance, explore the other options, and might get something that will be budget-friendly as well as go well with your bathroom remodelling. 

3. Opt For Small Upgrades To Tide You Over

If you are saving money to renovate your bathroom later on, then in the meantime you can make small upgrades, like painting the walls of your bathroom with white or bright colours for bringing out the light and bright look. You can also opt for changing the hardware for making small updates in your bathroom.

4. Install The Lights

To remodel your bathroom from dreary to light and bright, you need to install lights like sun tunnel lights. This type of view gives a bright look to your bathroom without making it hot. Also, you can take the help of professional bathroom renovators for better and brighter ideas. 

5. Incorporate Materials For Storage 

If your bathroom is tinier, then you must think about implementing proper storage equipment for your bathroom. This will make your bathroom more spacious. You will not have any space issues. To make your bathroom spacious, you can put some wall shelves and small cabinets to keep all the toiletries. Besides, this also makes the toiletries easily accessible. For more effective ideas for bathroom renovations, you need to consult professional bathroom renovators. Also, make sure to hire certified and well-reputed bathroom renovators to get the job done effectively.

Thus, there were some of the points that show how you can remodel your bathroom from dreary to light and bright look. 

Give An Attractive Look To Your Bathroom With Our Unique Bathroom Renovation Services!

We at Direct Tile and Bath provide high-quality bathroom renovation services. You can give a unique look to your bathroom with the help of our outstanding bathroom renovations ideas. We have professionals who are highly experienced in suggesting renovation ideas that will be suitable for your bathroom as well as fulfil your desire. If you are planning to give a light and bright look to your bathroom, then we are there to help you. Contact us today.


How to Deal with a Crack in An Acrylic Bathtub? A Brief Discourse

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How to Deal with a Crack in An Acrylic Bathtub? A Brief Discourse

Your bathroom is a place where you will get peace and solitude. And, as soon as you take a relaxing bath, you will find the ultimate bliss. However, over a span of use, you will notice a small crack in the centre of your bathtub. However, if this is the problem and couldn’t have addressed by the right time, it can lead you to further problems.


What Are the Causes of Bathtub Cracks?

Mainly 4 reasons are there that cause cracks to form-

  • Lack of support

  • Flexible material

  • Damage from heavy objects

  • Damage from heavy cleaners

Some materials, like fibreglass, are known to be highly flexible. It means the material will bend if come across a heavy weight on it. Even, due to improper installation or lack of support cause cracks to form.

Cracks also tend to form when objects are dropped on the bathtub all of a sudden creating small dents and divots. Over time, it turns into larger cracks and crevices. Moreover, the highly abrasive cleaners can ruin the gloss of the tub by eroding the material while allowing more moisture into the material to cause cracks. However, our freestanding acrylic baths in Perth are made of durable material and less prone to cracking. Even if the materials are durable like acrylic, accidents can happen. So, it’s better to stay prepared!

Types of Bathtub Cracks:

Wondering how to fix the cracks in your tub? Know the types of cracks and how to fix it-

  • Stress crack: Stress crack happens, when a heavy object accidentally drops over your bathtub. Usually, these are the surface level cracks and can be repaired easily reaching someone expert, or you can buy an inexpensive repair kit to patch the cracks easily.

  • Hairline cracks: Due to consistent use of the tub, hairline cracks take place. It all starts with the small cracks and eventually destroy the integrity of your bathtub itself. Just like stress crack, there are some basic repair kits to patch the cracks and prevent further damage.

How to Maintain Bathtub?

To spare your bathtub from cracking and ensure longevity, you need to install it by experts to ensure proper support for your bath. And, our cheap free standing bath installers in Perth can help you with the proper installation as well as advice to upkeep the bathtubs further.

It is to make sure that your additional weight won’t strain your material. Moreover, it is important to stop using abrasive cleaning material or abrupt dropping of heavy material in your bathtub.

What Will You Find in Bathtub Repair Kits?

There are 2 common types of repair kits available. Surface repair kits make use of polymer-based tape or paint to seal the cracks on the outer surface of your bathtub.

Remember, your small freestanding bath is an essential part of your shower. Hence, make sure you properly maintain them to fix the cracks to blemishes as soon as you see them. The more you possess a care-free approach, bigger the problem gets down the road.

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What Works Best- White Gloss Tiles or Matte Tiles?


What Works Best- White Gloss Tiles or Matte Tiles?

Whether you are going for full-fledged new home construction or a small-scale renovation, determining which tile works best for you can be a bit confusing.

In most cases, it all boils down to your personal taste and something which matches your decorative vision. Today, Direct Tile and Bath- offers you a lucid comparison between ‘White Gloss Tiles’ and ‘ Matte Tiles’ both of which stand as the highly popular options in the market.


Let's Begin With White Gloss Tiles:-

White gloss tiles consist of a smooth and reflective surface which bounces off the light and makes the room appear bigger and brighter. Due to this light deflecting quality, it is often suitable for small-sized rooms like study area or gaming rooms.

But it's clean white surface makes watermarks, soap smears, footprints, and other stains appear clearly over the surface. Luckily, its slippery surface makes it easy to clean and maintain, even if you have to do it 3 days a week. All you need to do is wipe or properly; that's just about it.

Its impressive smooth and shiny finish also make it ideal for bathroom walls, kitchen backsplashes and living room flooring (especially in large-format designs to achieve a cool, minimalistic and spacious living room space).

Moving Over To White Matte Tiles:-

In comparison to gloss, matte tiles consist of better traction and grip. And it is why they are a better choice to be used in bathrooms and washing rooms. We would recommend not using gloss tiles for your bathrooms or wet-rooms and rather opt for matte tiles. They are less slippery and safe to walk over, especially if there are elderly members in the house.

Other than bathrooms; you can also use them in entryways and the outdoor area leading up to the main door.

Matte tiles also conceal stains; smudges dried watermarks. And even if they form over the tile surface, they don't require too much effort on your part to remove them. Just regular wiping the surface with a mop will do the trick.

Another impressive feature about matte tiles is that they come in a variety of styles like Cement Effect, Stone Effect, Wood-Look Effect and even Slate Effect tiles. Each of them exudes a warm and homely feel, and its natural appearance also lends a touch of authenticity to your interior spaces.

So... What Our Verdict?

Being a notable supplier of decorative tiles in Perth for both bathrooms and other parts of your home, we believe that both come with its distinctive advantage. And it all depends on how you wish to decorate your home.

Our suggestion would be to go for both.

In wet areas having slipper surfaces, we say go for matte finish tiles having impressive slip-resistant feature.

As for the other areas of your beautiful home- like the living area, your study or even your gaming room, use White gloss tiles to brighten them and create the perfect mirage of a larger space.

So, if you want White Gloss Tiles in Perth or something equally good get in tough.

We also have an impressive collection of bathroom vanities and supplies in Perth tailored to your remodelling requirements. Call us @ 0431410460.


What Is a Half Bath? Know How to Remodel It


What Is a Half Bath? Know How to Remodel It

Next to your bedroom, bathrooms are a high selling point for your home. So, when homebuyers head for home listings, they come to know bathroom math is not so simple. For example, you find that your most admired house has 2 full bathrooms and a half bathroom. But what exactly the half bath is?


Well, a half bath is also known as a powder room or guest bath. Such bathrooms have only 2 of 4 main components that comprise of sink and toilet. The half bath is mainly located at the ground level of a multistory home. It is used by guests who came to visit you for a few hours. Since you don't have to deal with bathing facilities here, your remodel job will cut into half. But how to make it shine?

  • Position: If you want, you can position it in the centre of the house. Or you can make sure that one of the walls is the exterior wall of your home. Now, you may ask why it is such a way to build it? Well, there are good reasons to justify this- firstly, gift your half bath a window, and the second thing is making it less visible from the open area like living room.

  • Tiles: Unlike shower tiles in Perth, our installers use large tiles for the small bathroom, and it makes them seem larger. However, apart from the tile installation, we also recommend lying substrate below it. Installing cement board can be a great choice to form a solid base for tile that will not expand or contract.

  • Toilet Position: According to feng shui experts, it is a bad idea to position a toilet facing a doorway. Well, whether you follow such beliefs or not, this is a piece of solid design advice.

  • Avoid Large Sink Vanities: It's better to avoid cabinet-style sink since it takes up a lot of floor space. So, pedestal sinks are great, as you don't need to store the bathroom cleaner, laundry essentials anything in a half bathroom.

  • Keep Up the Simplicity: A half-bath overflown with unnecessary elements like a bathroom can lead to a lot of clutter. Apart from the toilet and sink, you must keep other items at a minimum.

  • Go Neutral: You must maintain a neutral colour surface for the walls and floors. You can use the same for the adjacent bathroom and back to wall freestanding bath tub inside it. Be it a half bath or full bath- dark colours make it look small.

  • Ventilation: Whether you know or not, a half velocity fan is necessary for a half bath, since this area tends to be situated near the living area.

While concluding here, you must know remodelling half bath will not impact your life, as you're not modifying anything across your shower area. So, if you want to re-tile and re-grout the area or want to add any facility, this will give you more freedom of time to finish the work. Meanwhile, the guests can use the main bathroom while half-bath is getting its makeover.


Practical Bathroom Tiling Ideas to Inspire You


Practical Bathroom Tiling Ideas to Inspire You

Want to revamp the entire look of your bathroom without undergoing any major overhaul? At Direct Tile & Bath, you will come across practical tiling ideas that will freshen up your space.


What Makes Tiles Preferred Over Other Options?

Why is tile preferred over other options? Installing the right type of tiles will help in enhancing the look of your bathroom. Tiles are known for:

  • Ability to reflect light

  • Durability

  • Easy to clean

Also, tiles help freshen up bathroom space in the best possible way. They are among the most suitable options to make the area look polished.

Increase the Resale Value of Your Bathroom

The amount of material and complexity of the design of your tile depends on your budget. Options for bathroom tiling in Perth range from minimum usage in the border to maximum usage in floor-to-ceiling execution.

Every implementation can be done differently, whether it is a classic subway or multicoloured mosaics. Going with the right type of tiles will help in increasing the resale value of your bathroom.

Exclusive Tiling Ideas to Enhance the Look of Bathroom

You may allow tiles to make a statement that will cover all four walls. Below are some exclusive tiling ideas that will help in enhancing the overall look of your bathroom:

  • Wainscoting - Wainscoting is a particular type of decorative wall covering that gets extended partly up to the wall. You may include it in your bathroom to add character to space.

People are planning to incorporate tiles within a budget, better try tiling from the floor, followed by painting the remaining wall with glossy paint. If it extends high enough above the sink, wainscoting will also work as a backsplash.

  • Border tiles - Border tiles will let you add a personal style to your bathroom. That too, without digging a big hole in your pocket. It is also a great way to include a bold statement without undergoing costly renovations.

To warm up the room, you may go with adding a strip of mosaic tiles or coloured glasses all along the top of subway.

  • Tile flooring - If you are looking forward to including an excellent alternative to hardwoods, then better go with tile flooring. Homeowners planning to put ceramic tile on their bathroom floors must go with installing slip-resistant tiles.

Also, you must pay attention to porosity at the time of choosing cheap bathroom tiles in Perth for bathroom floors.

  • Shower tiles - It is possible to define zones in the bathroom by using different types of tiles in the shower place. Better to go with tiles that have a water-absorption rating below three per cent.

Also, the tile must have excellent traction so that there is hardly any risk.

These are some exclusive ideas for bathroom tiling that will please your eyes. You will come across numerous additional options at Direct Tile & Bath. For further queries, feel free to dial 0402 006 644 or 0431 410 460. We will be delighted to assist you in every regard.


Why should you Choose Ceramic Tiles for Bathroom Renovations?


Why should you Choose Ceramic Tiles for Bathroom Renovations?

If you have planned to renovate your bathroom in the upcoming year, then your first concern must be about choosing the appropriate tile for your bathroom. As per the latest trends, many people are opting for ceramic tiles for their bathroom renovation. Ceramic tiles offer various advantages, and are referred to as a long-term investment.


Highly Durable

High durability is one of the primary characteristics of ceramic tiles. This kind of tiles is resistance towards scratches, scrapes, water and stains, because of the protective glaze they have in their exterior. Hence, due to the resistance power of ceramic tiles, it will be a long-term investment for your bathroom tiles in Perth.


Colour Permanence

Even after being exposed to sunlight, the ceramic tiles never lose their colour or fade. This special characteristic helps to ensure that this tile will maintain its original condition throughout their life. So, if you are looking for tiles that will never fade, then ceramic tiles are the most appropriate selection for you.


Slip Resistance

Ceramic tiles that are not glazed have high slip resistance. Hence, this will be the best choice for bathrooms that have more water spillage. Most of the unglazed, as well as glazed ceramic tiles, have rough grit on the surface, which helps in increasing the slip resistance. Considering this aspect, ceramic tiles will be one of the best tiling choices for your bathroom renovation.


Helps to Maintain Hygiene

The ceramic tiles do not retain liquids and absorb fumes, odours or smoke. In addition, they are easy to clean and help in maintaining proper hygiene. This kind of tile is suitable for all kinds of environment, where maintaining hygiene is important.


Appealing Looks

Ceramic tiles are available in stunning ranges, which come in a huge array of designs, finishes and colours. You just need to opt for a well-known interior designer to help you out with the selection. Thus, from a wide range of option of cheap tiles in Perth, you will be able to choose the most appropriate type of design on ceramic tiles that will go well with your bathroom and make it look attractive.


Chemical Resistance

Ceramic tiles have high resistance power to chemical agents. It is capable of resisting alkalise and acids. Hence, opting for ceramic tiles for your bathroom will help to keep the floors protected from any damages caused due to chemicals.


Therefore, from the above-mentioned points, it can be clearly understood why ceramic tiled are referred to as a long-term investment. Moreover, if you opt for ceramic tiles from a certified interior designing company, then you will get a variety of options on ceramic tiles to choose from and make your bathroom look attractive.

Reach us to Experience the Best Bathroom Remodelling!

We at Direct Tile and Bath offer the best bathroom renovation products in unbeatable prices. Our professional staffs will help to choose the best products for your bathroom renovation to make your bathroom look stunning. We provide a wide range of options on bathtubs, bathroom taps and accessories, toilets, vanities, and bathroom tiles in Perth, which will suit your taste and preferences. Reach us today to get high-quality tiles at reasonable rates for your bathroom renovation project.


Wall-mounted Vanities-subtle Yet Functional Bathroom Upgrade


Wall-mounted Vanities-subtle Yet Functional Bathroom Upgrade

When it comes to modern bathroom upgrade, most homeowners consider experimenting with paints, flooring or bathtubs with no to little attention on bathroom vanities. Like all other fittings and fixtures, bathroom vanities worn out over time and demean the aesthetics of your bathroom decor. If you are planning for a contemporary bathroom upgrade, why not give a twist to your outdated bathroom vanity and spruce up the curb appeal of your space?


Wall-mounted vanities are a timeless choice of most Aussie homeowners as it adds a style statement to the bathroom interiors and makes your space functional. Since decades, they have been prevalent in 5-star hotels, luxury restaurants and pubs, but it wasn't until the past few years, they have been high on demand for residential applications too.

Take a tour with this blog to know why wall-mounted bathroom vanities are a timeless and priceless choice.

Innovative and Easy to Customise

A strong reason why floating vanities are preferred for residential or commercial bathroom renovations in Perth is because of their inherent customisation facility. As they are mounted against a wall, you can experiment with its placement depending upon how high or low is the countertop. Another benefit of wall-mounted vanity is that they don't need a flat surface to be upright. Latest wall-mounted vanities feature separate compartments that can be easily customised.

Wall-mounted Vanities-light as Feather

Due to their modularity, wall-mounted vanities can be easily moved around and are much lighter in weight than floor standing, single-piece vanities. They can be a bit difficult to install but professionals offering bathroom renovations south of River Perth make it a cakewalk. They install with care and make sure the mount frames are properly aligned and fixed to the anchors. Despite this, they come in handy and can be transferred from one location to another without a fuss.

Space-the Ultimate Dominating Factor

Another biggest benefit of wall-mounted vanities is that they require less space and don't make your bathroom look cluttered. The extra space makes your bathroom look bigger and provides you with the opportunity to organise and store toiletries in a systemised manner. Having extra slot under your bathroom vanities will definitely not give you the space of a new-built room but allot you sufficient storage facilities for towels or other toiletries. No wonder, a spacious bathroom can give you more relaxation and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.

Free Up Your Bathroom Space With Wall-mounted Vanities-hire Us

No doubt, there's a lot to talk about wall-mounted bathroom vanities as they can free up your bathroom space and give an ultra-modern look to the interior decor. At Direct Tile and Bath, we can make your bathroom functional and aesthetically pleasing. Leading the industry for decades, our skilled renovators provide stunning bathroom renovations in the north of River Perth at a low cost that can enliven your space and boost the curb appeal of your property.
